Have you ever taken a look around inside Disney's various Guest Relations locations? Many of these spots have great vintage photos on display. During a recent visit, I made a point to visit Guest Relations in a few different locations, just to check out the photos. Here's a little bit of what I found...
Disney Springs
It was here that I first noticed these great shots- classic 70s and 80s images,
many of which I hadn't seen before in any other place.
Notice anything interesting about the next two photos?
They were shot before Disney implemented the now-classic "two-finger point"!
Magic Kingdom
The Magic Kingdom Guest Relations photos include shots of Walt, Roy, and
Mickey Mouse, all in gilded frames that have a home-like feel.
Hollywood Studios
The Hollywood Studios Guest Relations vintage photos have an interesting twist. Instead of vintage Disney photos, all the shots here are of vintage Hollywood! Some of the photos date back to the very early days, when Hollywood was little more than dirt roads and farm land. Early pictures of the famed Hollywood sign (then reading "Hollywoodland"), as well as landmarks like The Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood Boulevard, and RKO/Desilu Studios also adorn the walls.
Have you visited Guest Relations? What do you think of the vintage photos?
Tell us about it in the comments....