Hidden Mickey: a representation of Mickey Mouse that has been subtly inserted into the design of a ride, attraction, or other location in a Disney park, resort, or property.
I first wrote about searching for Hidden Mickeys in one of my earlier blog posts. Some are obvious Hidden Mickeys- but others? Not so much. If you think you may have spotted a Hidden Mickey, how do you figure out if you're right? How do you know if it really is a true Hidden Mickey? Or better yet- what if you think you might be one of the first people to identify a particular Hidden Mickey?! You go to Steve Barrett, The Hidden Mickey Guy. His book and website are incredible resources for exploring the world of Hidden Mickeys.
I thought for sure I had found a new Hidden Mickey when I first visited Enchanted Tales with Belle, one of the long-awaited attractions in New Fantasyland. I glanced up while in Maurice's workshop, the second room in the attraction, and I saw a Hidden Mickey in the gears on the ceiling. I emailed my photo and description to Steve Barrett. He thanked me for the submission and said he would put it up on the "questionable" section of his website, leaving it up to public to decide.
A upside-down Hidden Mickey in the gears on Maurice's ceiling?
That was almost three months ago, April 2013.
Alas, my ceiling gears are not doing well; at the time of this writing, the popular vote was 38 thumbs up to 62 thumbs down. I'm still not giving up hope on it, though! Maybe a better photo? A different angle? You can find it on the questionable list here... so feel free to take a look and give it a thumbs up if you think it qualifies as a Hidden Mickey!
A few years back, I was pretty certain I had found a very out-of-the-way Hidden Mickey during my last visit to Disney's Coronado Springs. I wasn't able to snap a photo at the time, and I never made it back to that spot to capture it. I've searched for it in the guide book and on websites, and I have yet to see it listed or mentioned anywhere. I heard there's been some construction in the area, and I'm hoping my discovery isn't gone. Where is it, you might be asking? I'll keep that as my secret for now- just in case it truly is an as-yet-undiscovered Hidden Mickey! I will make it back to that resort one day, and I can't wait to resume my search.
Do you hunt for Hidden Mickeys? Have you ever found one that you thought was questionable? What do you think about Maurice's ceiling gears? Share your thoughts in the comments...
Oh cool, I would have not noticed that it was a hidden Mickey there. We did Enchanted Tales with Belle too.
ReplyDeleteWe really don't search for the Mickey's though.